Feathered Pipe Blog – Voice Of The Wisdom Holders

Feathered Pipe Blog: Voice of the Wisdom Holders

The Feathered Pipe has been blessed to host many of the foremost teachers, guides and wisdom holders within the realm of yoga, meditation, spirituality, health and wellness during our four-plus decades of existence. The Feathered Pipe Blog offers you the opportunity to explore more deeply their thoughts and insights for opening to experience a more healthful and fulfilling life.

“Gentle Yoga” is for Everybody – Lanita Varshell

A beautiful larger woman, somewhere in her 50's, walked into my center today with her friend. I could tell that she was apprehensive walking in the door, but when she saw me, a well-rounded 50 plus year-young teacher and the studio owner, she relaxed a little. Read More

Soft Peace and Childlike Wonder – Carie Garrett

Typically, what I call the “holiday season,” the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, is the hardest time of the year for me. It’s historically been the season of getting together with dysfunctional family members that I would ordinarily never choose to spend time with, and being around all the chaos that comes with that. Read More

Asana for the Ages – Marla Apt

Imagine practicing the same sequence for a lifetime. Senior level Iyengar Yoga instructor Marla Apt was asked to suggest one set of poses you could do for decades, with modifications to honor the changes in energy and ability you’ll encounter at different times. It is assumed you have a basic knowledge of the poses presented. Read More

Yoga, Nutrition & Ayurveda for Immune Health – Melina Meza

Your immune system is made up of many components including the tonsils, thymus gland, lymphatic and circulatory systems, digestive tract, and bone marrow. Each of these systems (or parts of the body) plays a unique role in helping your body fight against foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Read More

Journey into Healing – Brant Secunda

In 1970 at 18 years old, intrigued by a book of Carlos Castenada. I left my hometown in New Jersey and set out on a Journey to Ixtlan as a spiritual tourist in search of Don Juan. En route, I met a Huichol schoolteacher, who gave me the name of his family’s village – a 5 day walk away. Read More

Many of these writings' authors are treasured alumni and presenters of the Feathered Pipe retreat and travel programs. If you find yourself inspired by anything you have read here and wish to dive deeper, please consider joining us for a week-long program at the Feathered Pipe Ranch.



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