We humans are clever in our various strategies to try and avoid feeling the ups and downs of life. We can try to escape by busying ourselves, hoping that we won’t be affected by them. Read More
Feathered Pipe Blog: Voice of the Wisdom Holders
The Feathered Pipe has been blessed to host many of the foremost teachers, guides and wisdom holders within the realm of yoga, meditation, spirituality, health and wellness during our four-plus decades of existence. The Feathered Pipe Blog offers you the opportunity to explore more deeply their thoughts and insights for opening to experience a more healthful and fulfilling life.
This is a story of how I learned to compost the “shit” in my life and see that every moment in time plays out for a reason, leading to The Dandelion Effect we all live in whether we know it consciously or not. Read More
In the years since, I have come to realize that doing “just the right amount” is applicable off the mat in almost anything I undertake. Isn’t this exactly what the practice of yoga is meant to help us understand? We settle into a pose, notice where it is today, feel its essence, assess its wants and then do the needful. Read More
Ardha Chandrasana, the Half Moon pose is said to resemble the image of an Indian moon floating in the sky. The Sanskrit word Chandra also refers to the qualities of brilliance or shine of the moon. Although the torso is not dangling but is held up by strong legs, a lightness and freedom can be experienced in this pose as if you can radiate in all directions. Read More
As a long-time yoga practitioner and a burgeoning potter, I have been struck by how complementary the nature of the two practices are. Both incorporate a blend of science, art, and philosophy. There are methodologies and techniques to learn. Read More
What I value most in this precious life is health. Health to me means absence of disease, stable energy levels and emotions, steady appetite, regular bowel movements and a daily urge to be creative. My definition of health is strongly influenced by my practice and study in Ayurveda over the last few decades and I continue to appreciate the practical wisdom she offers. Read More
Beneath the layers of joy, adventure, and creativity lies a recognition that nurturing these facets in our lives not only contributes to healthy aging but also to vibrant, purposeful living. Read More
We are suffering because of ignorance. We are suffering because we don’t know how things work, because we don’t know who we are, and because we allow our thinking minds to overrule our inner voice. And we’re suffering needlessly. In other words, it can be circumvented. Read More
Ignorance, by this definition, is imposing our egos and attachments (two more kleshas) on what we are trying to see. The greatest ignorance is not that which comes from being undereducated or illiterate, but from willfully ignoring the truth of ourselves and others. Wisdom is nothing more than the clear vision of innocence. Read More
We all dream. But what dreams mean and why during REM sleep we see images that are rarely clear and often bizarre remains one of life’s mysteries. What if dreams could be tapped into to help you in your waking life? What if you could actually use the symbolism and stories to answer difficult questions or solve long burning life issues? Read More
Play is a powerful, lighthearted, and spontaneous medium for self discovery. Laughter, an integral part of playful yoga, triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural stress-busters. Approaching life in this manner, gives us permission to experience joy in the present moment. Read More
As long as I can remember, I've always been fascinated with the natural world. Growing up outside, amidst the towering mountains of Montana, living in alignment with the land and seasons and cradled under the big sky, foreshadowed something I would later rediscover through the practice of yoga in a BIG way – surrender. Read More