Feathered Pipe Kitchen – Creative & Wholesome International Cuisine

Feathered Pipe Kitchen – Creative & Wholesome International Cuisine

The Feathered Pipe Kitchen is renowned for our creative and wholesome international cuisine. High on the list for why our guests return year after year, our kitchen creates feasts for the eyes as well as the body that remind us all of what is essential in life – good food, good practice, and good community.

Baklava: A Royal Dessert – Feathered Pipe Kitchen

Baklava is a sweet pastry made by layering tissue-thin sheets of phyllo dough with butter, nuts, and spices. After baking, it is then topped with a flavored simple-syrup made with a base of either honey, sugar, or a bit of both. Baklava's texture is dense but still crispy while in flavor it is decidedly sweet yet balanced by the savory found in the nuts, dough, and butter. Read More

Vegan Orange Cake à la Jacob Bradley – Feathered Pipe Kitchen

The best way to celebrate a birthday is of course by eating cake! India Supera's favorite Feathered Pipe dessert was the Vegan Orange Cake and we think you'll like it too. This summer Jacob Bradley perfected the recipe, making it week after week in the Feathered Pipe Ranch Kitchen to delight our guests Read More

Cowboy Boots and African Roots: West African Yam Balls – Allison Radecki

Ah, Montana, land of Rocky Mountain peaks, whistling marmots and the sweet scent of West African yam balls, fresh from the skillet. Much to the amazement of some first time visitors, all of the above can be encountered while staying at The Feathered Pipe. And why not? America is a braid woven with indigenous and immigrant traditions. Read More

Classic Caesar Salad with a Twist – Heidi Goldman

I love a classic Caesar Salad just as much as I love a classic yoga pose. I also like to mix things up and add a little twist or a new prop to give a classic a little something extra. I’ve been making Caesar salad dressing almost as long as I’ve been practicing yoga, which, at this point, is about 45 years. And, just like my yoga practice and my teaching, this salad comes out a little different each time. Read More

Dharma Delight Ice Cream – Feathered Pipe Cookbook

In the Heartburn Sutra, it is said that the Dharma Delight Ice Cream is made only with natural emptiness. This recipe, which came neither gradually nor instantaneously after years of meditation and many dozen batches of ice cream, resembles the sutra's description. Read More

Potato Pancakes – Feathered Pipe Cookbook

Potato Pancakes are a lunchtime staple at the Feathered Pipe Ranch and are served typically with one of our "Soup King" Mike Wells' famed soup improvisations. Potato pancakes and soup are perfect for a chilly, sweater kind of day, or with fresh salad greens during the sunny warmth of summer. Enjoy! Read More

Barley Vegetable Soup – Feathered Pipe Cookbook

For anyone who returns to the Feathered Pipe Ranch year after year, they know that soups have long been a lunchtime staple, with hearty and wholesome blends of vegetables, pulses and herbs that change from one visit to the next. Enjoy! Read More

The much-requested and now out-of-print, original Feathered Pipe Cookbook is digitized and available for download and use to your heart and stomach’s desire. Donate $100 to the Feathered Pipe Foundation to receive your copy of the cookbook.



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