Feathered Pipe 50th Anniversary - 2025 Scholarship Program

Feathered Pipe 50th Anniversary: Where Did All Those Years Go? – Crystal Water

“I’ve long wished that I could attend a Feathered Pipe retreat and, in the midst of major life changes, decided to take a chance and apply for a scholarship. When awarded, I felt like I had won the most amazing gift! The scholarship enabled me to be able to afford a yoga experience I was yearning for and so deeply needed in an environment that nurtured and soothed my soul.”

~ Aimee LaLonde, 2024 Scholarship Recipient


Dear Friends,

This year marks the 50th anniversary since the very first workshop at the Feathered Pipe Ranch in 1975 with Judith Hanson Lasater, Felicity Green, and Paul Copeland. Where did all those years go? It’s pretty wild to think about. And so many people have gotten to come teach, learn, work, volunteer, and contribute in different ways to the place and build an amazing community. Thank you for being a part of it.

We are honored to welcome and offer an incredible all-star lineup that includes: Judith Hanson Lasater & Lizzie Lasater, Patricia Walden & John Schumacher, Elise Browning Miller & Susan-Elena Esquivel, Baxter Bell & Melina Meza, Marla Apt, Lara Warren, Lanita Varshell & Diane Ambrosini, Anne Jablonski & Matthew Marsolek/Drum Brothers, Jillian Pransky, Nat Kendall, Lauren Lewis, Lynne Minton, Stacy McGinty & Teresa Gonzalez, and Augusta & David Kantra.

Please visit the Feathered Pipe 2025 Retreat Season page to learn more and sign up.

Feathered Pipe Scholarship Program 2025 – Application Period February 8-28, 2025

Feathered Pipe 50th Anniversary - 2025 Scholarship ProgramThanks to the generosity of many donors and in celebration of our 50th anniversary, we are offering $50,000 of scholarships towards the attendance at 10 different 2025 retreat programs! We have worked very hard to increase the amount as well as number available to help keep these programs both accessible and sustainable.

Scholarships range from $500-$1800 each and apply as a deduction to a specific retreat program. They may not be applied retroactively to existing registrations. Please do consider the full cost of attending the retreat including travel to get to Helena, Montana before applying. Click here to learn more about our scholarship program. (Link to apply will be available on February 8th via the scholarship fund webpage.)

If you’d like to donate towards our Scholarship Fund or another project, please donate here.

Hope to see you this summer to celebrate the long legacy of Feathered Pipe!


With love and gratitude,
Crystal Water
Executive Director of Feathered Pipe Foundation

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