Love, Creativity, and Abundance: Happy New Year!

Love, Creativity, and Abundance: Happy New Year! – Crystal Water

“Love given grows. The laws of love differ from the laws of arithmetic. It’s the ONLY thing that isn’t Zero Sum in the universe! …The more love we give away, the more we have left.”

~ Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen


Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!

The changing of the years brings a period of reflection for me. It can be bittersweet, but also can be a source of inspiration for what’s next. There is the lingering sadness of losses (holy cow, sometimes life can be so hard and painful), the semisweet feeling of change and awareness about the passage of time, and there are the wonderful things to savor and carry forward.

Love, Creativity, and Abundance: Happy New Year!Now my moment of reflection is interjected with the present moment of life—my 5-year-old eating a piece of chocolate on top of me and dropping bits of it onto the computer. Teach me to try to contemplate in our living room amidst swirling kid energy. Hah! Now I think I may need a piece of chocolate just to refocus.

Anyway, how can I make life sweeter (without adding too much sugar)? I think the biggest key is to harness the eternal, after all it’s that darned impermanence that causes suffering.

Recently, I watched a little clip Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen put on social media about heart-lead activism that reminded me about the abundance of love. Giving love makes more love, acting with love spreads more love, and leading with love allows creativity. Love is expansive, abundant, and indeed eternal.

So what difference does it make if there is chocolate melted on my keyboard when the sweet being who obliviously delivered it there freely gives her love and tells me I’m the best mommy in the whole wide universe Yes, love wins. Let’s take it with us to 2023!

To contribute to living creatively motivated by love, Feathered Pipe is committed to being a resource for learning, empowerment, healing, and sharing copious amounts of love to you through our podcast, online articles, and of course through our retreat programs and culinary delights at the Feathered Pipe Ranch.

Dandelion Effect Podcast

Love, Creativity, and Abundance: Happy New Year!We are happy to announce Season 3 of The Dandelion Effect Podcast. Every two weeks we will publish a new episode. To launch the season, Andy joins with natural foods chef and Boulder-based yoga teacher Lauren Lewis for a deep, candid and important conversation about the journey towards loving the bodies we have and discovering our self-worth. Listen here.

May 2023 be full of health, happiness and of course, love.


With love, abundance, and a bit of chocolate,
Crystal Water
Executive Director of Feathered Pipe Foundation

*Special thanks to Emily Polar for the images!

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