Living a Connected Life - Feathered Pipe Foundation

Living a Connected Life – Andy Vantrease

“If we continue to strive to bring consciousness to light, to see alternate possibilities and outcomes, we can manifest change one person at a time—beginning with ourselves.”

~ India Supera

Hi Friends,

Welcome back to another episo—oops, it’s hard for me to break out of podcast land sometimes!

We have just crossed the halfway point in Season Two of the Dandelion Effect Podcast, with our amazing guest, organic farmer, scientist and revolutionary businessman, Bob Quinn. In his new book, Grain by Grain, Bob makes the case that regenerative, organic systems are capable of creating a win-win-win scenario: reviving the land, boosting rural economies and reclaiming our human health. “We cannot talk about food without talking about human health and planetary health,” he says. “It’s all connected.” Listen here and please share!

Living a Connected Life - Feathered Pipe FoundationLike many other interviews I’ve done, this talk aligns with perhaps my biggest goal for the Dandelion Effect Podcast: To highlight our interconnectedness with all things, showing what it means, as our tagline alludes, “to live a connected life.” Our guests exemplify unique connections—whether it’s with land and soil, family and ancestry, movement and healing, travel and adventure, food and cooking, God and the Divine. And in hearing their stories, I am always struck by how the question then turns to face me: What does it mean to me to live a connected life?

Each episode teaches me more about myself, invites introspection, perspective and motivation. Each question I ask of the guest, I get an itch to explore my own answer.

I wonder if the same happens to you? What ripple effect—or Dandelion Effect—does this podcast have for you? I’d love to know your answer and the answers to a few other questions, below. Plus, I want to introduce you to some exciting new website features and ways to engage with our show.

Stay tuned for an incredible giveaway this spring that we will run through the podcast, too. Hint: Entries will coincide with podcast reviews, so get yours in. More details to come!

What’s New

Living a Connected Life - Dandelion Effect PodcastWe have a brand new Dandelion Effect Podcast webpage! Eric has put in loads of effort creating this page, intentionally adding features that make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. We also have to give a big shout out to Carlos Militante for the beautiful podcast cover art that you now see on the website.

Search: Below the new art, in the top right corner, you’ll find the search function. Simply type in any keyword and the site will populate all episodes that relate to the word. (Example: I typed in “Food” and Jim Barngrover: Regenerating Our Food, Soil and Community popped up first.) Watch the video on how to use the search feature.

Episode Pages: Each podcast episode now has its own page, which features images, episode show notes, links to listening platforms as well as an option to listen from your browser, and the full written transcript. There is also a link to write a review on Apple and donate to the show.

Ways to Engage

Living a Connected Life - Dandelion Effect PodcastStart a “Podcast Club.” Last summer, I found out that our friend Mary Superak was doing a monthly podcast club with our show! Each month, she and some friends decided on an episode to listen to, then got together and used the written transcripts to track the discussion. Learning that the written interview was an important part of people’s interaction with the show, we now have full transcripts on each episode page to make it easy to use podcast clubs, discussion groups, teachings, classes or dinner table talks.

Share Episodes. I don’t know about you, but I am always sharing podcasts with people, to spread ideas, wisdom, humor and pertinent information. Our new episode pages make it easy to share with others, but you can always share the link directly from Apple, Spotify or another listening platform. Spread the love!

Leave a Review. Reviews are a huge help to getting our podcast in the ears of more listeners. Seriously, if you do one thing to support us this month, please write a review and leave a rating. Watch the video on how to leave a review.

Let’s Hear From You

What’s your favorite episode so far? Why?
Do you connect more with the personal stories or the professional knowledge shared?
Do you prefer longer episodes (1.5 hours) or shorter (50 minute)?
Are there any specific topics you’d like me to cover?
Have you ever shared an episode with friends or family or written a review?

Email answers to


Have a beautiful day,
Andy Vantrease
Dandelion Effect Podcast Host & Producer

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