Story Time with India Supera: The Way of Miracles


India Supera, founder, visionary, long-time executive director of the Feathered Pipe Foundation, and inspiration to so many passed away after a brave battle with liver cancer on October 29, 2019. For anyone who loves India, the Ranch, or is curious about what the Feathered Pipe is all about and how it all came together by way of miracle – don’t miss this.

India was know for her elaborate and wandering stories about her adventures around the globe and how she came to be given the Feathered Pipe Ranch, which could range anywhere from an hour and a half to three plus hours. Sit back and enjoy her sharing one version of the Feathered Pipe story and the way of miracles. As India was known to say, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”

Ways to Keep the Miracle Going:

The Way of Miracles - India SuperaCome to the Ranch when the time is right: You can come and honor India by doing a ceremony or prayer when you are at a Feathered Pipe Retreat or passing through town. (Please contact us before coming.)

Donate to your local food bank: India LOVED feeding people. We will be donating food and/or money to our local food bank and organizations who feed hungry people with the money that we would have spent feeding the hundreds of people who would have been at the party. We have already done several “poor feedings” (as they are called in India), in Puttaparthi and Varanasi, India, after holding ceremonies for her in those places.

Last but not least, donate to the Feathered Pipe Foundation (or your favorite non-profit) in India’s honor: The best way we see to celebrate India’s life and keep the miracle going is to continue the amazing work she did through Feathered Pipe Foundation. Your kind donation will help us do that. Of course, these times are difficult for non-profit foundations everywhere and we know she would love it if you donated to any one of your favorite ones.


India SuperaIn 1975, India co-founded the Holistic Life Foundation which later evolved into the Feathered Pipe Foundation and became one of the first yoga centers in the US which is not guru-based. India was also the president of the Tibetan Children’s Education Foundation (TCEF). She founded TCEF along with Karma Tensum, Executive Director, in order to provide education, housing and support to the children of Tibetan refugees in India.

India was a passionate and vibrant leader inspiring many in their personal spiritual journeys. She was a strong voice for equality of those that are disadvantaged within today’s world, particularly on issues concerning Native America communities and women and children’s rights worldwide. India, along with long-time friend, social activist and author Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen who has taught at the Feathered Pipe Ranch many times, continued to push for a 5th World Conference on Women right up to India’s passing in October of 2019. Read more about India’s incredible life story here.

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