Dear Friends,
We are just resetting back into “real life” here in Limburg (Netherlands) after Carnaval. In the US we know about this Christian celebration through Mardi Gras. Observing superficially, it may look like nothing more than wild debauchery. But it actually serves a deep human need.
It’s a chance to really let loose and reset. By dressing up, celebrating, and interacting with a mutual understanding that we are released from our standard social norms, some pretty cool things happen.
We can become someone or something else, beyond our usual self, and have an opportunity to act, dress, and interact totally differently. A magical and colorful, yet somehow comforting, chaos is formed in the streets, flowing with music and crowds of people having and making fun. None of the normal expectations apply as reality is truly altered. Plus there is the overflow of food, drinks, and sweets. It’s truly about experiencing abundance and an unlimited human connection.
After the celebration, a refreshed order forms and traditionally it is time to fast. By having experienced the over-indulgence and over-stimulation, a renewed appreciation for moderation manifests. And by having been able to act as someone else, we are grateful to be ourselves.
Ultimately, the letting loose helps us gain perspective and get recentered.
At Feathered Pipe Ranch, we don’t let loose in the same way as Carnaval, but we try to achieve a similar outcome. Experiencing the openness both of people and surroundings, we shed the expectations of “normal” life and of ourselves to more easily allow limitless connection.
Hope to connect with you there.
Dandelion Effect Podcast
On the subject of limitless connection and the potential for experiencing a deeper level of joy and abundance, Andy Vantrease, host of the Dandelion Effect Podcast, spoke recently with Dr. Edie Resto, from whom many of you have received healing at the Feathered Pipe Ranch.
For almost 40 years now, Edie has been teaching us all through her example about openheartedness and energetic reciprocation. She’s the OG of abundance mindset, and those who know her can attest that she has full faith in the universe’s ability to provide everything she ever needs—her job is just to keep giving from her heart and the rest will come. Listen and be inspired – Prioritizing Joy with Dr. Edie Resto.
With love and gratitude,
Crystal Water
Executive Director of Feathered Pipe Foundation