Here's to a Bright and Healthy 2021! - Feathered Pipe Foundation

Happy New Year: Here’s to a Bright and Healthy 2021! – Crystal Water

Happy New Year!

We start this fresh New Year full of hope and the best of intentions, while bringing with us the lessons we’ve learned through challenging times. As the year begins, we have a few things to share with you.

Jennifer Daly, whom many of you know from her heavenly bodywork at the Ranch, has created the Global Compassion Sound Journey Meditation with her collection of Himalayan singing bowls and tuning forks. She recorded it in the main lodge at Feathered Pipe during the fall of 2020. We invite you to enjoy it online and connect your soul to the Feathered Pipe.

Spirit of Giving

Here's to a Bright and Healthy 2021! - Feathered Pipe FoundationGenerosity has flowed during this past year and helped us not only make it through, but also be able to make many improvements to facilities and services. As we start 2021, we still have months before our workshop revenue will start to come in and we’d like to continue doing positive and creative work in the meantime.

With your support we’ve reached our fundraising goal in our matching funds campaign! With $26,300 in matching funds pledged we were able to raise $53425 so far. We will be ending our fundraising drive on January 9th, so if you feel inspired to contribute, donations can be made through our website or by sending a check to Feathered Pipe Foundation, PO Box 1682, Helena, MT 59624. Other ways to contribute are stock donations, legacy gifts, volunteering, helping us network, and registering for a workshop. Thank you for your contribution and for being a part of the Feathered Pipe community.

The Dandelion Effect

When we started The Dandelion Effect podcast, I was browsing through my address book and friends on social media to look for people who would be interesting to have on the podcast. It struck me how many truly inspiring people I’m connected with in some way, many of them through Feathered Pipe but also some through school. Matt Kuntz is one such person. We met each other in the context of middle and high school classes and parties.

Fast forward a few years and he’s the Executive Director of National Alliance on Mental Illness in Montana doing incredible work in the mental health field and especially for Veterans. Matt has worked on legislation on the State and Federal level, and researched the positive effects of yoga and meditation for veterans with PTSD. Seeing what he has done in his life’s work reminds me that with inspiration and determination, we can each make a lasting impact on something we care about. Please listen to our podcast with Matt Kuntz “Redefining Our Understanding of Mental Health

Here’s to a bright and healthy 2021!


With hope and health,

How can we help?