Carie Garrett taught a fluid and creative practice based on inner listening, courage, and self-trust. Her unique teaching style was down-to-earth, organic, and open-hearted, reflecting her insights and real-life experiences of living the Yoga in the world in a daily basis. Carie was a senior Freedom Yoga-style teacher of Los Angeles-based yoga master, Erich Schiffmann. She worked extensively with Schiffmann as his apprentice and teaching assistant at workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings throughout the country since 2001.
We bid farewell to our dear Carie on Thursday, December 1.
Wife, mother, yogi, teacher’s aide, percussionist, artist, dancer, bonne vivante, spiritualist, friend, companion, partner and celebrant. In each and every role, she filled the moments of her life with beauty, grace, color and spirit. She made each day feel special.
Simply reciting the facts of her life serves as the merest outline to such an extraordinary existence.
Carie Garrett was born in Temple,Texas, and her family moved to College Station when she was two. Carie attended A&M Consolidated High School where she marched in the band and danced on the drill team. After receiving a degree from A&M University, she worked at Ocean Drilling Program where she was able to spend one leg on the ship working in the core lab as the research vessel drilled for sediment cores on the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean near Guam.
Carie and Bill married in 1990. Dillon came along in 1993 and Sydney in 1997 (both births were completely natural, without the assistance of any medicines, she would proudly proclaim).
Along the way, Carie loved to dance, participated in musical theater, expressed herself artistically and worked out. We learned not to be surprised whenever Carie would break out in some expressive dance moves in the kitchen.
Carie took up hand drumming at the fortuitous time when the music group at St Francis Church needed just a bit of beat and rhythm. At St Francis Episcopal Church, from time to time she was invited to step up to the pulpit and deliver a sermon, before heading back to the music circle and continuing the rhythm. She took up guitar and learned to strum out some of the tunes that provided a soundtrack to many of our days.
Her energy and passion took her in so many directions. As an aerobics instructor, she devised exciting new step routines before each class. One – two – three – four – five – six – seven – eight! She wrote her routines on many different colors of Post-It notes, and we spent many a year chasing these colorful pages throughout the house.
Carie stayed home with the kids while they were young. She taught them to be kind and to be patient, and she spent many days immersed in their creative games and make-believes. She was the best mother that two kids could hope for.
After many years of leading fitness classes, she happened upon a yoga practice that altered and informed many of the years of her life.
Peace, stillness, quiet, and sharing: these basic tenets of Carie’s spirit drove her to learn more and practice more deeply. Carie started travelling to attend yoga conferences, where she assisted and then eventually lead the yoga practice. Her spiritual mecca became her yearly week-long trips to Feathered Pipe Ranch in Montana to assist her yoga teacher, to spend time with dear friends and to walk in grace through the pristine countryside.
Learn more about Carie here.