Feathered Pipe 45th Anniversary Celebration – Heidi Goldman



Heidi Goldman - Yes! YogaHeidi Goldman C-IAYT, E-RYT-500, LMT, Certified Industrial Ergonomist-CIE, and YACEP & APD Provider, has been called a “Teacher of Teachers” and is a certified Yoga Instructor for 43 years from the California Yoga Teachers Association CYTA currently the Iyengar Institute of San Francisco, CA. Her passion and life’s work flow into Yoga Equipoise System – YES! YOGA, which weaves classical Yoga poses and philosophy, Somatics and Movement Potential together to explore the innate wisdom of the body/mind/emotions/spirit. When the body feels completely supported a deep and profound release is possible; attuning to ourselves and what lies within us – life is full-filled.

Having grown up in the Iyengar tutelage, good body mechanics is first and foremost but it is very likely that within each class everyone could be doing something different. Heidi is a member of the core founding group and former director of yoga programs for the Feathered Pipe Foundation. She was hugely instrumental in making the Feathered Pipe Ranch an epicenter for the exploration and distillation of yoga in America.

She considers herself a pioneer and perpetual student having spent much of her adult life studying and learning from some of the best master teachers in the world of Yoga, Somatic’s and Movement Potential: Sai Baba, BKS Iyengar, Rama Jyoti Vernon, Angela Farmer, Judith Lasater, Erich Shiffmann, Lilias Folan, Deepak Chopra, Milton Trager, Moshe Feldenkrais and Emily Conrad Doud, naming just a few who have guided her personal journey and yoga practice. She is a dedicated practitioner of Vapassana Meditation.

Learn more about Heidi: yesyogasystems.com

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